27 May 2021

Examination of "00000002001"

Scientists Concept Art by 3D Realms/Slipgate Ironworks. Taken from Twitter.

I started to notice how my interest in all kinds of games started to slowly increase lately. Current state of Warcraft and Blizzard themselves gets more tiresome day by day, so sticking around them is getting harder. On the other hand, my interest in upcoming 3D Realms releases has really bumped up recently among other things.

At the time of Realms Deep 2020, GRAVEN and teaser of Ion Fury: Aftershock were the things that got all my attention. Now I looked deeper into Core Decay, got to know about Kingpin: Life of Crime more than before (basically nothing) and Rise of the Triad with SiN suddenly grew on me even more. It went from "Oh, neat" to "Would be nice to play them".

Which leave only one unannounced FPS from 3D Realms that's currently titled "00000002001" on their Discord server. Even though there's next to no actual information about it and I might very well end up being not be really interested in this game after its proper announcement, I thought it would be nice to dig up what's known since I like that sort of thing.

24 May 2021

The Oddity of Apogee Dilemma

"The Apogee Model."

Rebranding of Apogee Entertainment caught my attention and that's something I wanted to cover as it gave me an excuse to focus on one of the questions that were floating in my mind. After reading into it and looking around, the weirdness of this subject was clear more than ever. In short, that got me really curious as it really is just... odd to me.

But hey, at the very least I get to write a bit about some old games and just have fun with it in more relaxed form this time around. That's enough to make me happy for a moment.

20 May 2021

Just an Idea: Trial of Runes

"Now, you have all four Runes..."

A lot of people fairly often ask themselves "What/How I would do that?" whenever in comes to games, mods, their story... Or anything else, really: from meal you just ate to how you put things on the table. Recently it has been like that for me more than ever in the context of video games. So I decided to begin this kind of series where I focus on one of those ideas. Attempting to somewhat finalize and contain them in order to get them out of my head with a pleasant sense of satisfaction.

Nowadays I dedicated a lot of my time to original Quake: dealing with ezQuake for the first time out of curiosity, returning to Arcane Dimensions with various degrees of success and thinking about where the series can go with a new instalment. Playing Hexen 2 for the first time is also contributing to it since I've chosen Paladin due to my need of more melee combat in a Quake engine game. Not to mention poking around Quake Champions with its lore and recent updates that might suggest that something is coming for the series' 25th Anniversary.

With all that, I had some ideas for an original Quake mod that would've served as a proof of concept for things that could've been done in a theoretical sequel of the first game (and its mission packs) in the series.

Remember: It's just an idea.