28 April 2022

Late Tribute to Dungeon Siege

Dungeon Siege Promo Screenshot. Taken from MobyGames.

That's going to be an awkward start since I just realized that I missed out on a perfect point for this "article". Dungeon Siege is one of a few games I have in mind for these "scuffed perspective on titles I would like to eventually check out" and I decided to cover it after Abuse and Cannon Fodder series. Even though I was sadly oblivious to the fact that the first game hit its 20th anniversary back in April 5th, that honestly feels like a mistake on my part.

As it was the case with Amiga classic about "hill decoration", my first introduction to unique action role-playing game happened thanks to a YouTube video. This time it was an excellent chapter of Ross's Game Dungeon about the original title and kind of the franchise as a whole. I would like to go in a similar direction, but in smaller scale with derpy execution. If you haven't watch that video, I highly recommend you to do so.

21 April 2022

Walking Away From Dragonflight

Dragon Isles Continent Concept Art. Taken from Blizzard.

Well, I made a good call with not throwing around any promises. Kind of. Despite the fact that I was factually done with Shadowlands here, I've acknowledged that I never would be done with Warcraft franchise. At first, I planned to leave all of at the conclusion of Patch 9.2 post, but after some time it became apparent that there're more points to be addressed or reinforced. Do have a proper epilogue to this ordeal or rather "epilogue plus"... You know, it's funny. I'll elaborate on that remark later though.

That doesn't mean I would talk about anything directly related to Shadowlands, Sylvanas book and all of that stuff. I mean, they've clearly recycled all the unnecessarily fancy cutscene fluff from Reforged for two part Judgement and such. Good for you, Blizzard. Seriously, I don't think they reinvented the wheel here. That's not what they would've done here. Either way, without further interruption, let's just get to the remaining points.

15 April 2022

April 2022 Update

Improvised "Hall Update" Thumbnail.

This update post should be a pretty short one as Hall pretty much runs in "maintenance mode" right now. While I do have some plans to push my blog forward, I can't get myself to actually follow through the steps that are yet accessible to me. Really, it's just going to be me mostly repeating the same words about the usual stuff. Some might say that it would've been for the best to just skip this month, but I would rather follow such obligation no matter what.

14 April 2022

Recognizing "My GameDev" Nudges

PICO-8 Education Edition Extended Release Thumbnail. Taken from Lexaloffle.

It's been a while since I talked about practically "nothing" here outside monthly update posts, so I guess I will use that opportunity to just share something I've started to consistently notice. As I'm sure I've mentioned before, I don't have a clear path in life when it comes to my overall future. No matter how much I try to pick a proper direction of normal productivity, there's nothing I can settle on. However, I tend to often overthink stuff.

As time goes on, I started to notice a certain pattern in my surroundings. The more I think about it, the more I realize that my subconsciousness and/or reality (or whatever you wish to call it) tries to push me towards one specific profession. And that's what I wanna share with you, wandering reader.

07 April 2022

Potential of Monkey Island's Return

Return to Monkey Island Announcement. Taken from YouTube.

It was just another day in my scuffed routine. I finished all copywriting business I had at that point of time and decided to finally catch some gaming news and other nonsense like social media since I didn't look at them for two days straight. Much to my surprise, I've witnessed the great news regarding the return of Monkey Island series. Called Return to Monkey Island! Even though my experience with it so far is limited to great RetroAhoy video and listening to music for the first two games, I am pretty existed about it.

Probably the reason for it the return of Ron Gilbert, one of the original game directors of the series, and more people involved in previous installments like Dave Grossman. Such turn of events is usually a good sign in terms of how new game is going to turn out, resulting in aforementioned excitement and high hopes. As for me, I'll just throw around some guesses about this new Monkey Island game and potential details of its development.

01 April 2022

Charming Rest of "Cannon Fodder" Games

Cannon Fodder (Amiga) Screenshot. Taken from MobyGames.

In my previous attempts to cover older games that's not particularly popular nowadays, I've remained strictly within MS-DOS & Windows territory when it comes to PC titles. Now I would like to change that by expanding my scope for one more family of computers. Thanks to one good friend of mine and my desire to further explore the wonderful world of retro games, I've finally witnessed the greatness of Amiga with its multimedia capabilities.

However, I didn't knew where to start until I recalled the Cannon Fodder series. Seeing Russian Geek's reviews of its games was probably the first time I took a proper look at Amiga titles, besides the third one. As before, I would go over the things that interested me in the 2/3 of Cannon Fodder series, why the last title of the series isn't included there and what could be the current status of this franchise.