15 March 2022

March 2022 Update

Improvised "Hall Update" Thumbnail.

I'm not really sure where to start with this one. At this point of time. Previous update was full of hope and inspiration to keep going, to revitalize this blog. I hoped to gather enough courage and determination for great purposes with little chances for success, but worth giving them a try due to where they can lead to in case of success. The future was bright. The dream was alive. The hope was growing. More than a week after February's "report", everything changed in ways I never even imaged.

My World Crumbles.

Again, I planned to steadily increase my input into Ilko's Hall starting this month. Besides "mandatory" weekly post, write additional "articles" and begin to pursue several interesting individuals for potential interview-esque "A Little Chat" type of thing. Revisit existing pages in this blog to polish FAQ and About pages, following by a proper (re)opening of Ko-fi page for both short-term and long-term causes that would help to not only this blog to gain more additional content (that could've actually been published outside it), but also help my family to get out of the mess we ended up falling to for no good reason.

Not to mention business out of Internet. I wanted to keep going with copywriting since last few months were mostly consistent in that regard, which is pretty damn awesome. There's also still a desire to get back to taking care of my health since I foolishly abandoned all the efforts after graduating. Ideally, I must undergo a proper clinical examination. Not just treat my mental health or look at my stomach. I really hate to credit outside influence for my lack of action, but there it is again. Right now, it looks like we're hitting a new low point and I have no idea what to do about it. Simply no clue, but that's just one side of it.

Coward's Revelations.

Well, there's no way you don't know what's up in the world now. I still doubt whenever it's appropriate for me to bring up this topic, but it's just something I can't really escape at this point. Although I'm not going to refer to it by any specific terms that's being used around the world since, as you may know, "certain terminology" is forbidden in my country. While the "authorized statement" is... Well, you know... You probably know. It's just a wildfire, so let's just leave it at that. It's really uncomfortable position for me, but I would try my best to talk through it in personal manner without too much "crying" or anything like that.

I am scared. I am disgusted. I am terrified. It's hard to come up with proper words to describe this madness. I tend to stay away from political topic and still try to keep a certain distance to stay sane, but that's just wrong on so many levels. I have a friend there. Even though we haven't talked much in recent years due to lack of options and my stupidity, I'm extremely worried about his well-being. Not just his, but his loved ones and friends. And not just his either, as one of my "domestic friends" have some family members in one of the region, one of which came to visit recently and (obviously) can't come back.

The worst is yet to come though. There's no doubt about that, and I'm not referring to just these mind-boggling events. Recent court shenanigans regarding my family's rent debt started to count me in. When this shit really started to hit the fan, I was still a minor (under the age of 18). That's likely "saved" me from debit card arrests and/or mandatory seize of funds from them. Today, I've been hit by these repressions: they want me to pay ₽55771,77 (~$501,75 today, according to Google). Which makes our life more difficult for a few obvious reasons.

In other words, I'm just in deep shit right now. I could go on about the lack of products that will get worse, issues with earning some needed money and many other problems that's caused by this... You-know-what. At some points I considered putting this blog on hold until (or if) things start to slowly go back to normal in case this world haven't complete lost its mind. Now I realize that giving up on it would make me more of a coward than I already am. Although there's a chance that this Hall will stop any activity due to restrictions through either Google or the government. I guess there's only one to find out.

Lastly, I would like to be more specific about some pretty obvious things. I don't like what's going on right now. I hope that this horror will be stopped as soon as possible in a way that would bring a new era of peace in our world. I would like to hope that those who are really worthy of retribution would get what they deserved. Many people, including myself, didn't ask for any of this. I don't want any of that to be real, but there's no way to wake up from this nightmare. All of this suffering and inhuman cruelty must be stopped.

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