23 September 2022

Late Thoughts about Realms Deep 2022

Realms Deep 2022 Key Art.

It's been a long time since the last Events post from me. Usually I tend to write those a day after specific event, but there was nothing that really interested me for the last year. Not to mention that we exist in crazy and often surreal times. So I eagerly waited for Realms Deep 2022. Kind of. It's actually funny to think about in retrospective. I wasn't disappointed by it (show was nice), it's just the stages of anticipation I went through.

I didn't know what to expect. Didn't want to expect anything. Not after the last year, which had its ups and downs. The only think I had in mind in regards to Realms Deep 2022 was "When they will just announce it already?" because it was obvious that the show will go on. Once teaser trailer came out, I was just too busy with work to really get excited. However, I managed to be there in time. All three days. I'll go over each one of them.

15 September 2022

September 2022 Update

Improvised "Hall Update" Thumbnail.

It was overdramatic on the occasion. I've got some copywriting stuff to do, but there was a chance that it would've ended since a friend of a friend who I've worked with considered move on and sell the thing I rewrote articles for. However, that ended up not working out, and it looks like I'm back to business. You know, that's one of those moments in my low points in life: there's always this balance of miserable drama & somewhat fine stuff. I'm trying to not think about this too much because that wouldn't really help.

Either way, allow me to look back at this rather uneventful month... Yeah, that's how I would call this August. So it's going to be similar to last month's update.