15 March 2023

Just an Idea: MCU's Spider-Man 5

Spider-Man Homecoming. Taken from Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki.

This seems like a good time to go back to my derpy post from a couple of months ago about MCU's Spider-Man 4 (or "Spider-Man: Distant Neighborhood", as I suddenly decided to call it at the end of it; stupid title, I know) and continue this vision for the rest of his second trilogy. I kind of committed to it, went through third and fourth seasons of Spider-Man: The Animated Series and just think it's best to be done with it sooner rather than later. I mean, I already decided to myself that I'll watch the final season of the cartoon only after writing this "article". Some might consider this an interesting choice, but I'm sure those people won't be here. No, I have no idea why you're here either.

While I thought that this post could be smaller and more focused in comparison to the first one, currently I feel like it will end up being much closer to it and I think I might be okay with that. After all, it's basically just me being an odd nerd having fun in my own way. It is highly recommended for you to go through previously linked post to have better idea of what I'm writing about here, but I will try my best to offer a short summary simply because that would a right thing to do: not only refresh my memory, but accommodate for potential laziness. This only implies to self-imposed rules I defined before.

March 2023 Update

"Monthly Update" Thumbnail.

Seriously, I need to think of some kind of template for the beginning of these posts. No matter when and how I approach, it often starts with me hitting a wall. I'm starting early yet again in hopes I would be ready in cases I get busy. Hopefully, it doesn't mean I would have to rewrite everything closer to publication date a lot of things have changed since when I started (February 24th; Way too soon, I know) and later on. Unless I'm just overreacting, since I don't recall this happening before.

Either way, upcoming updates are like to be less interesting than previous ones. Not just because Ilko's Hall Anniversary is a yearly thing, but because it's that time of the year when things slow down for the blog and myself in a certain way. I think that enough time has passed to see how this month would go.