26 April 2023

Soothing Winds of Stardew Valley

Spring crops growing at Safe Haven Farm at the beginning of Year 2.

For someone who has a blog mostly centered around video games, you would think that I would write about titles I'm currently playing. While I do mention them most of the time in Update "articles", dedicated posts are few and far between. This does seem slightly weird, and I'm not sure I can even explain myself here. It just so happens that I'm usually interested in writing about games I haven't really played before, so I'm (maybe/sometimes) making this weird note for my backlog and satisfy my curiosity.

There's also the fact that I guess I'm kind of scared of writing an actual reviews to games and current popularity of video format for them isn't the main reason for it. I just don't think I would be able to cover every aspect of given title in proper way and leaving something out just doesn't seem right to me. Besides that, I also just don't know what I can say and add to the conversation that wasn't mentioned already. Overthinking, yeah.

However, this time I have a reason to go out of my comfort zone in a certain way. This is definitely more of a "review", maybe even a proper one. I've been playing Stardew Valley on regular basis (usually daily) for more than a month now, and I'm having a great time. In fact, all of my currently planned "articles" keep getting delayed because this game is just too captivating, and I want to talk about my experience thus far.

15 April 2023

April 2023 Update

"Monthly Update" Thumbnail.

Usually, I tend to write these posts in advance to have them ready in case I get pretty busy. This time I wasn't quite ready to accommodate for it, so here I am writing this silly thing in late March 14th before going back to derpy work. Some may argue that's really how it should be, and I shouldn't struggle with writing "articles" quickly, especially since I'm running this blog and doing copywriting type of thing. I totally agree with that though. 

There's a lot of things for me to go through, which is both surprising and kind of exciting. Previous month felt kind of slow in hindsight. These last ~30 days were pretty slow for all sorts of reasons: good, bad and iconically weird. Without further ado, let's scroll through these crazy chronicles. From top to bottom, but in reverse.